A quick shout of thanks out to all of you, our extended family. So many things to give thanks for every day; daily recognizing that we have a choice and we choose to enjoy every moment. This holiday finds all of us apart in space but together in our hearts. Grizzly is still at Shangrila-de-Judy in Ithaca. She has no idea that sailing is again near on her horizon.
Shawn is based at the Las Vegas Hilton, just about to enter week-9, the final week, of Bikram Yoga Teacher Training. So much more to follow soon about this topic.
Chris and Tao just splashed this past Tuesday and are anchored in Bahia San Carlos getting reacquainted. Project lists have grown and Chris is single-handedly preparing the boat for ocean crossings. We all look forward to being reunited soon for the holidays and details about recent adventures will be posted then.